Amazing facts about Airplanes - Did You Know - MQS info

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Amazing facts about Airplanes
First, planes that arrive at night have their interior lights turned down so that passengers can get used to the darkness in case the landing fails and they have to flee.
Amazing facts about Airplanes

Number 2. Up until 2013, just 5% of the global population had ever been on an airplane. By 2020, that number had jumped to almost 20%.

Amazing facts about Airplanes
Thirdly, a Boeing 747 has six million moving parts, all of which are designed to be operated by a small crew of pilots seated at the front of the plane with a variety of controls at their fingertips.

Amazing facts about Airplanes
Fourthly, in order to prevent food poisoning, pilots are required to eat the same multi-course dinner as first and business class passengers, but co-pilots are advised to consume alternative dishes.

Amazing facts about Airplanes
Fifthly, the official term for those white streaks that planes leave behind in the sky is contrails. They are actually just condensation trails. During combustion, plane engines expel water vapor. The fluffy white lines you see in the sky are actually the result of the hot water vapor being pushed out of the exhaust and colliding with the cooler air in the upper atmosphere. Seeing your own breath on a chilly winter day elicits a similar response.

Amazing facts about Airplanes
Sixth point, the cabin air changes the flavor of food and drink—sugary things taste less sugary and salty things taste stronger. Low humidity further dulls taste and smell, making everything in an airplane cabin feel bland. The dry recycled air within the aircraft doesn't help matters either.
Amazing facts about Airplanes
Point seven: an aeroplane's doors cannot open while the plane is in the air.

Eighth, no commercial aircraft operated by the Australian airline Qantas has ever been involved in a tragic accident.
Amazing facts about Airplanes
Nineth on the list, the fastest commercial aircraft ever flew at a speed twice that of sound. The plane in question was the Concorde, which made frequent transatlantic flights until an accident in France caused it to be decommissioned.

Amazing facts about Airplanes
Ten. Flight attendants on long-haul flights have their own private quarters, complete with a restroom.
Amazing facts about Airplanes
An airplane's flight path might be harmful to your heart if you live there (number 11).This means it is more conveniently located near the airport.People who were often subjected to noise levels above 60 dB, such as an airplane roaring overhead, were 30% more likely to die of a heart attack than those who were normally exposed to noise levels below 45 dB.

Amazing facts about Airplanes
Number twelve. Eighty percent of aircraft disasters occur within the three minutes following takeoff and the eight minutes immediately preceding landing, according to studies.
Amazing facts about Airplanes
The fear of flying, or aviophobia, affects around 15% of the population.

Fourteenth, your chances of survival in an aircraft accident are forty percent higher if you sit in the rear.
Amazing facts about Airplanes
Number fifteen: the cabin pressure is controlled by that little hole in the airplane window. Three sheets of acrylic make up the majority of airplane windows. As one would assume, the outer window effectively seals off the interior and keeps the pressure within.
Amazing facts about Airplanes
Sixteenth, lightning can't derail an airplane's design.
Amazing facts about Airplanes

Amazing facts about Airplanes

Amazing facts about Airplanes

Amazing facts about Airplanes

Amazing facts about Airplanes
