Facts That Most People Do Not Know - MQS info

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 3. Only sharks have the unique ability to blink both eyes simultaneously.

Facts That Most People Do Not Know

1. Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated
Facts That Most People Do Not Know

2. One of the components of dynamite is peanuts.
Facts That Most People Do Not Know

4. An average person takes seven minutes to fall asleep.
Facts That Most People Do Not Know
Facts That Most People Do Not Know

5. You can't possibly sneeze while your eyes are open.
Facts That Most People Do Not Know

6. Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.
Facts That Most People Do Not Know
Facts That Most People Do Not Know

7. Almonds are related to peach family.
Facts That Most People Do Not Know

8. Worldwide, eggplant is grown in New Jersey at a proportion of 66 percent.
Facts That Most People Do Not Know

9.  The world has more chickens than people. (prior to that whole chicken-flu incident).
Facts That Most People Do Not Know

10. Honey is the only natural food that is made without destroying any kind of life. What about milk you say? A cow has to eat grass to produce milk and grass are living.
Facts That Most People Do Not Know

11. Honey is unique  foods that it does not spoil.
Facts That Most People Do Not Know

12. It is physically impossible for a pig to look up at the sky.
Facts That Most People Do Not Know

Facts That Most People Do Not Know

13. The labour of twelve bees is embodied in a single teaspoon of honey.
Facts That Most People Do Not Know
Facts That Most People Do Not Know

14. Flamingos can only eat with their heads upside down.
Facts That Most People Do Not Know
Facts That Most People Do Not Know
Facts That Most People Do Not Know

15. A typical pencil can draw a line that is 35 miles long.
Facts That Most People Do Not Know
Facts That Most People Do Not Know

16. Astronauts get taller in space due to the lack of gravity.
Facts That Most People Do Not Know

21. Snails can sleep for three years.
Facts That Most People Do Not Know
Facts That Most People Do Not Know

22. Up to 260 feet can be seen in the blue Nelson lake in New Zealand, which is the cleanest body of water known to man.
Facts That Most People Do Not Know
Facts That Most People Do Not Know

23. Over 838 miles of bookcases house over 12 million volumes, making the Library of Congress the biggest library in the world.
Facts That Most People Do Not Know

24. Your voice would be deeper on Venus because it is dense atmosphere would cause your vocal cords to vibrate more slowly.
Facts That Most People Do Not Know

25. The Apollo 11 mission that landed humans on the moon had less computing power than a modern smartphone. About 2 kilobytes of memory, which is little compared to modern digital cameras, was available to the spacecraft's guidance computer, which assisted with mission navigation.
Facts That Most People Do Not Know
Facts That Most People Do Not Know
Facts That Most People Do Not Know

26. Your brain contains 100 billion neurons: about 16 times the number of people on earth Experts agree that there is more we do not know about the brain than we currently know.
Facts That Most People Do Not Know
Facts That Most People Do Not Know
Facts That Most People Do Not Know
Facts That Most People Do Not Know

Facts That Most People Do Not Know

Facts That Most People Do Not Know
17. Buttermilk is minimal in fat and doesn't even contain butter.

18. Your own dead skin cells make up the majority of the dust in your house.

19. Most lipstick contains fish scales.

20. A giraffe can go longer without water than a camel can.

The majority of oxygen on the earth comes from the oceans, not trees.

Some marine creatures, such as salmon and turtles, may be able to use their ability to detect and navigate by the Earth's magnetic field.

The rings around Saturn are 90% water

A day is longer than a year on Venus

Hot water freezes more quickly than cold water. it is called the Mpemba effect.

Working in a nuclear power plant is safer than in an office.

Tooth enamel is stronger than bones.

Gravity is being affected by global warming. There was a little change in the region's gravity due to the enormous extent of the fast ice melting in Antarctica.

Tomatoes have more genes than humans.

Gasoline can contain between 150 and 1,000 different chemical compounds.

Nakedness is required in radiation exposure. By doing so, you will eliminate 90% of the radioactive material to which you were exposed.
