How realistic is Elon Musk goal to establish a city of a million people on Mars by 2050

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Suppose you went here and tried to establish a city of a million people:

How realistic is Elon Musk goal to establish a city of a million people on Mars by 2050
There are a few issues, the first of which is economic. A million people require about 1,000 tons of food per day, and if you do not want them to be utterly miserable, they might need some variety in that as well. You need about 100,000 cubic meters of clean water daily to keep them happy and productive.
How realistic is Elon Musk goal to establish a city of a million people on Mars by 2050
Moving on, you obviously need shelter, warmth, and something for them to do if possible. Keeping a million people alive is one thing, but they did need to be doing something useful for the rest of us if it is to be more than a prison camp. 
How realistic is Elon Musk goal to establish a city of a million people on Mars by 2050
It is a tad far from any trade hubs, and natural resources are difficult to exploit in the harsh terrain, which is also a massive issue. 
How realistic is Elon Musk goal to establish a city of a million people on Mars by 2050

Russia has several towns in the Arctic that mine coal, nickel, and so on, and it is tough to keep those towns of a few hundred to a couple thousand people paying their bills. This worsens the work in Antarctica; the place is nearly unreachable for six months a year.
How realistic is Elon Musk goal to establish a city of a million people on Mars by 2050
Mars suffers from similar problems, but it is vastly more challenging to reach, several orders of magnitude more expensive to get, air, sun, and soil are actively trying to kill you, gravity may be insufficient to maintain human health, and there is very little water. Any natural resources would be even more challenging to obtain than in Antarctica. 
How realistic is Elon Musk goal to establish a city of a million people on Mars by 2050
Also, humans have yet to go to Mars, but we have tourist trips to Antarctica. Unless Elon Musk can build a city of a million people in Antarctica by this weekend, he can not get a permanent outpost built on Mars in 26 years.
How realistic is Elon Musk goal to establish a city of a million people on Mars by 2050
