What are some of the best technical hacks

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Here are some interesting life hacks that might be useful:

Ok there are some best hacks

What are some of the best technical hacks

1. Use a hair straightener to iron collars:

 If you're in a rush and your shirt collar is crumpled, use a hair straightener to quickly smooth it out.

2. Freeze grapes to chill wine without diluting it:

 Instead of using ice cubes that water down your wine, freeze grapes and use them as natural chillers.

3. Use a dustpan to fill a container that won't fit in the sink:

 If you need to fill a large container with water but it won't fit under the faucet, use a clean dustpan as a makeshift funnel.

4. Rubbing a walnut on damaged wooden furniture:

 For minor scratches on wooden furniture, rubbing a walnut on the affected area can help mask the damage.

5. Turn a muffin tray upside down to make taco bowls:

 Place tortillas in the spaces between the cups of an upside-down muffin tray and bake to create crispy taco bowls.

6. Use a sticky note to clean crumbs from a keyboard:

 Slide the sticky edge of a sticky note between the keys to pick up crumbs and dust from your keyboard.

7. Open a stubborn jar lid with a rubber band:

 Wrap a thick rubber band around the lid for extra grip when trying to twist it open.

8. Store bed sheets inside their matching pillowcase:

 Fold and store your bed sheets neatly inside the matching pillowcase to keep your linen closet organized.

9. Use a bread clip to save flip-flop blowouts:

 If the thong part of your flip-flop breaks, you can temporarily fix it with a plastic bread clip until you can get a replacement.

10. Use a muffin liner to keep popsicles clean:

 Poke a hole in the center of a muffin liner and slide it up the stick of a popsicle to catch drips and keep hands clean.

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